Mies Family Pictures Index

Reunion 1915 or 1916 (46K)

Enlarged picture (332K)

Reunion ca. 1928 (34K)

Enlarged picture (352K)


Reunion pre 1931

Reunion 1931--Children (43K)

Enlarged picture (216K)

Reunion 1931--Children (54K)

Enlarged picture (244K)

Reunion 1931--Adults

Kenny, Randy and Ricky 1946

Chicago Father of the Year 1955

Newspaper story about Frank P. Mies

Reunion 1953

Frank P. Mies and President Roosevelt
Northwestern University ca. 1905

Enlarged picture

Joseph and Elizabeth Mies Family History (6 pages)

Written by Frank P. Mies ca. 1953

4 Gospel Keys

Written by Frank P. Mies 1947; scanned and converted to a digital format in 2019

. Pictures courtesy Genevieve M. Harrison and Esther M. Yost.
My Web site: www.emit.org
This page's address: www.emit.org/mies.html
E-Mail to Joel Harrison: joel@emit.org

Be sure to check the Mies Family Web site: http://www.mies.org/links.htm