Home Page
Discovery Science Center
New, in Orange County, California
Franklin Institute
Excellent science museum
Great starting point
Art Museums
Leonardo da Vinci Museum
no file 12-22
University of California Museum of Paleontology
National Museum of American Art
Considered the best science museum on the Internet
San Francisco art museums (archive)
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Just opened in L.A.
Petersen Automotive Museum
Los Angeles
America's history museum in Washington
Laguna Art Museum
3D computer graphics
Art Institute of Chicago
Links, Lycos search engine
Asian arts links
Europe's greatest art museum
(mirror site)
Museum of Bad Art
eye of the beholder
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Museum
Museum of Modern Art, New York
University of Illinois
QuickTime Virtual Reality galleries
Virtual Library Museums
Tour museums from around the world. (Virtual reality?)
World Wide Arts Resources
Arts database + search engine
World Wide Arts Resources
Arts database + search engine
Fine arts museums of San Francisco
National Museum of American Art
part of Smithsonian?
Guggenheim Museum of Art, New York
A-Bomb WWW Museum
in Japan
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