Teacher Resources

These materials have been created to help teenagers who need to learn or review basic math skills, from multiplication facts through algebra. They are mostly color Acrobat (pdf) files, designed to be printed out on standard 8 1/2 by 11 paper, then three-hole punched to fit a three-ring binder. They are for reference during initial teaching and later for reinforcement and review.

They can help students succeed at three critical points:

  1. Passing Algebra I, a California high school graduation requirement
  2. Passing the California High School Exit Exam, also a graduation requirement
  3. Doing well on the community college math placement test, thus avoiding mandatory remedial math classes which won't count towards an A.A. degree or transfer to CSU or UC

Any feedback is welcome. Send comments, questions or suggestions to:
Joel Harrison, teacher, Orange County Department of Education